Premium Cloves from Sulawesi Island

Cloves is aromatic dried and unopened flower. Originally native to the chain of volcanic islands in the east of Indonesia, there are still many historical clove trees from many centuries ago that are still productive until now.

Clove is used in almost every global cuisine for both savory and sweet dishes.

Cloves is aromatic dried and unopened flower. Originally native to the volcanic islands in the east of Indonesia, there are still many historical clove trees from many centuries ago that are still productive until now.

Clove is used in almost every global cuisine for both savory and sweet dishes.

Cloves history:

Cloves share a similar history with nutmeg. The islands in the east of Indonesia were the final destination of European exploration of the spice islands many centuries ago. One of the very important spices is clove. Sulawesi is one of the native islands in the east of Indonesia that produces cloves. The unique tropical climate, volcanic soil, sea breeze, and distinct sunny and rainy periods differentiate aromatic spices from the eastern part of Indonesia, offering unmatched quality. Cloves in Sulawesi have a larger size and a very strong, pleasant aroma. If you enjoy spices, cloves from Sulawesi are definitely something you will not want to miss!

How to Use

Add a single clove to your favorite recipe to impart a surprisingly pleasant aroma. Be cautious not to overuse it to avoid an overly dominant flavor.

Use our cloves for soups, sauces and roasts, mature cheeses, rice and pasta, cakes and biscuits. You can use them also to flavour drinks such as mulled wine. Use whole or ground.


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