Premium Red Ginger from Sulawesi Island

Hand-picked, thinly sliced, and sun-dried red ginger. It boasts a pungent, subtly sweet, and peppery flavor complemented by a refreshing citrus aroma. This particular variety is renowned for its robust aroma and taste, so it is best utilized in modest amounts.

Red ginger, also known as Jahe Merah in Indonesia, is a highly nutritious and versatile ingredient used in a variety of dishes such as soups, stews, curries, and stir-fries. It is native to tropical and subtropical regions of Southeast Asia, including Indonesia, and is primarily grown for its aromatic rhizomes, which are known for their medicinal properties. Red ginger is also used in some culinary preparations as a spice and flavoring, and it pairs well with spices such as cinnamon, cloves, curry powder, and cardamom, as well as with aromatics, citrus, coconut milk, and various meats.

How to use

The Red Ginger from Sulawesi can be used for noodles, tofu or rice dishes, added to soups, curries, roasts and stews or used to flavour meat and vegetable dishes.

You can use it whole or ground.


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